Alyson Kelvin
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Research interests
My research investigates the intersection of host age and previous infection in the context of influenza infection and vaccination. I use animal models, in vitro systems, and patient samples to obtain a picture of disease and its mechanisms. I recently discovered that lactating mammary glands are susceptible to influenza infection.
Selected publications
Paquette SG, Banner D, Huang SS, Almansa R, Leon A, Xu L, Bartoszko J, Kelvin DJ, and Kelvin AA*. Influenza Transmission in the Mother-Infant Dyad Leads to Severe Disease, Mammary Gland Infection, and Pathogenesis by Regulating Host Responses. PLoS Pathogens 2015 Oct;11(10):e1005173
Kelvin AA*, Degousee N, Banner D, Stefanski E, Leomicronn AJ, Angoulvant D, Paquette SG, Huang SS, Danesh A, Robbins CS, Noyan H, Husain M, Lambeau G, Gelb M, Kelvin DJ, and Rubin BB. Lack of group X secreted phospholipase A(2) increases survival following pandemic H1N1 influenza infection. Virology 2014 Apr;454-455:78-92. PMCID:PMC4106042
Paquette SG, Banner D, Chi le TB, Leomicronn AJ, Xu L, Ran L, Huang SS, Farooqui A, Kelvin DJ, and Kelvin AA*. Pandemic H1N1 influenza A directly induces a robust and acute inflammatory gene signature in primary human bronchial epithelial cells downstream of membrane fusion. Virology 2014 Jan 5;448:91-103
Huang SS, Lin Z, Banner D, Leon AJ, Paquette SG, Rubin B, Rubino S, Guan Y, Kelvin DJ, and Kelvin AA*. Immunity toward H1N1 influenza hemagglutinin of historical and contemporary strains suggests protection and vaccine failure. Scientific Reports 2013;3:1698. PMCID:PMC3633051
Huang SS, Banner D, Degousee N, Leon AJ, Xu L, Paquette SG, Kanagasabai T, Fang Y, Rubino S, Rubin B, Kelvin DJ and Kelvin AA*. Differential pathological and immune responses in newly weaned ferrets are associated with a mild clinical outcome of pandemic 2009 H1N1 infection. Journal of Virology2012 Dec;86(24):13187-201. PMCID:PMC3503035
The underlined individuals are those I have directly mentored. The asterisk (*) indicates that I was responsible for the study inception, design, operations, analysis, and publication.