Bruce Smith
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Research Interests
Frequency domain time series and point processes, with applications to the study of sealevel, and prediction of flood risk; Statistical genetics: inference methods for quantitative trait loci, including finite mixture models; Pedigree estimation; Vaccine clinical trials.
Selected publications:
Greenberg, D.A., Blanchard, W., Smith, B. and Barrow, E. (2012) Climate change, mean sea level and high tides in the Bay of Fundy. Atmosphere Ocean, 50, 261-276.
Sarhan, A., Hamilton, D., Smith, B. and Kundu, D. (2011) The bivariate generalized linear failure rate distribution and its multivariate extension. Computational statistics and data analysis, 55, 644-654.
Qin, Y.S., Smith, B. and Lei, Q. (2009) Test for homogeneity in normal mixtures with unknown means and variances. J. Statist. Plan. Inf. 139, 4176 - 4189.
Midorikowa, S., Miyaoka, E. and Smith, B. (2008) Applicaton of dynamic Poisson models to Japanese cancer mortality data. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 7 (2), 577-587.